Can an AI content algorithm replace a human copywriter?

Can an AI content algorithm replace a human copywriter?

Does Artificial Intelligence have the skill to ‘replace’ a human writer?

AI can certainly assist digital content writers in various ways, but is it unlikely that AI will completely take over from a human writer anytime soon. Digital content writing involves creating high-quality, engaging, and informative content that is tailored to the target audience. It requires not just writing skills, but also creativity, critical thinking, and understanding of the nuances of language.

It is unlikely that AI will completely take over anything except for the more basic tasks of human copy writer anytime soon

Can AI really understand enough to write better content than a human?

When it comes to determining what is important to write, AI may be advanced but it doesn’t have the same ‘depth’ of understanding as a human.
This understanding is the key differentiator, because AI is currently a tool, and like most tools it’s only as good as the operator.
For example – imagine trying to optimise a 30 page legacy document with the aim of distilling it down to a single web page of the most important and appropriate details for your target market.
AI just wouldn’t know how to do that appropriately without being directed with a huge number of specific commands and information. AI doesn’t know what you want, and in all but the most basic of scenarios it takes a human operator with advanced skill and understanding of the AI algorithm to give the right instruction.

So, is AI useful for content creation of not?

The more focussed you want AI content on your ideals, the more AI fails – or at least the more it needs human knowledge, commands and guidance.
In the future content writers who understand and leverage AI will be able to write faster, with more varied ideas, with greater accuracy and even a wider vocabulary. However, AI operators will certainly need to have the writing skills to know what’s important, how this needs to be weighted, how to optimise for the context of a website or digital marketing campaign, and then how to precisely instruct AI to stay on their chosen path.

While AI can analyse data and identify patterns on it’s own, it does not fully understand the context and nuances of the content required, nor your wishes, in the way that a human does.

The flaws and even dangers of using AI without a skilled human editor/instructor.

AI can certainly generate text that is coherent and grammatically correct, but it lacks the creativity and human touch that is necessary for good writing.

AI-generated content may lack;

  • empathy
  • cultural awareness
  • understanding of the target audience
  • understanding of the true meaning of what it writes

all of which can lead to content that is tone-deaf, irrelevant, or even offensive.

AI is aware of what it knows and blissfully unaware of what it doesn’t.

That being said, AI can be helpful in assisting digital content writers with tasks such as research, generating topic ideas, and even basic writing tasks like summarizing and rephrasing. In fact, many content writers already use AI-powered tools to help them with these tasks. Our extensive research has shown us that the most successful content creation will come from a combination of human creativity and expertise, augmented by AI-powered tools and technologies.

What is the future of AI driven content?

The current status of AI text/copy/content generation and how useful it will be comes down to this;

AI technology is not advanced enough to completely understand the context and meaning of the content it generates, which means that it can’t truly write persuasive, engaging, and informative content that resonates with the target audience.

For now a combination of AI-powered tools and human expertise is likely to be the most effective approach to rewriting old content or producing new content. AI can help identify areas that may need to be updated or improved, but it will be up to human writers and editors to make the final decisions about what changes to make, based on their understanding of the content and the needs of the target audience.

Even for digital content optimisation AI faces several hurdles because skilled digital copywriters know how to write a delicate balance of copy that is appealing to both humans and search engine algorithms – and that really is a whole different problem for AI.

Want to know more about AI assisted content and how ICC Digital can help…
contact us
You’ll get to speak to a human who truly understands what they are talking to you about.

What is ‘content marketing’, really?

What is ‘content marketing’, really?

Introduction to digital content marketing:

If you’re a business owner, chances are you’ve heard about content marketing, but what is it exactly?

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that involves creating and launching content in order to attract new customers and even keep existing ones. It can involve any written content you publish online from website copy, social media posts, and more. It’s an effective way to reach potential customers and increase sales or your brand’s exposure.

That’s why content marketing is so important for businesses today.

Is content optimization the same thing as content marketing?

Not quite – content optimization is the process of making sure your content is optimized for things like readability ( for both search engines and humans), that it contains the right keywords and is structured in the right way.

There are many factors that will help content appear higher up in search engine rankings and ultimately be seen by more people. We call this increasing visibility. Of course it’s certainly not just about stuffing keywords in to your content, or following some basic rules, or everyone would be at the top of the search rankings, and that’s impossible.

Content marketing is about many factors that all have to work in balance with your target audience, and with search engine ranking and indexing algorithms.

If you get all the factors right then this means more opportunities for potential customers to find your business online. Content optimization also helps ensure that your content is accessible and relevant – two key components for good SEO performance.

Why it’s important to write high quality professional content.

If you want to stand out from the competition, you need professional-quality content written by experienced writers who know how to create engaging copy that resonates with readers.

Professional writers understand how to craft compelling headlines, use target keywords effectively, incorporate visuals into their work, optimize meta descriptions, structure webpages correctly and much more – all in service of helping you get found on SERPs and convert leads into sales.

Why use a content writing, marketing or optimisation partner to help your business?

If you have an online business then you almost certainly have a need for great written content but you also probably don’t have the resources or experience to write content that works for humans and search engines simultaneously and without degrading the experience for one or the other.

Getting the balance right is an exceptional skill which requires experience and intimate knowledge of the process or your content won’t beat the million other pages trying to vie for attention at the same.

So, you have 2 real choices, hire a full-time in-house expert for this task, or consider partnering with a businesses that specialises in this area.

How can ICC Digital help your business grow with better written content?

We offer various levels of service to help your particular circumstances and resources. We vary our involvement to suite your business circumstances – that can be collating and then editing down large amounts of content you already have in brochures or other marketing documents, ghost-writing new content from scratch or working as a digital content specialist extension to your in-house team when ever you need our professional help and guidance.

Content marketing is an effective tool for businesses looking to grow their customer base and increase sales. Hiring professional writers and SEO specialists is about quality assurance and in our case the experience and ingenuity we bring to the partnership.

Ultimately we make sure your business stands out, that its more visible than your competitors online and that it performs better at engaging and converting visitors to customers.

If you think it’s time to start making some noise and move your content from “it’s out there somewhere” to “everyone is finding you and talking about you” then get in touch and we’ll let you know how ICC can really help your business thrive.