Can an AI content algorithm replace a human copywriter?

Can an AI content algorithm replace a human copywriter?

Does Artificial Intelligence have the skill to ‘replace’ a human writer?

AI can certainly assist digital content writers in various ways, but is it unlikely that AI will completely take over from a human writer anytime soon. Digital content writing involves creating high-quality, engaging, and informative content that is tailored to the target audience. It requires not just writing skills, but also creativity, critical thinking, and understanding of the nuances of language.

It is unlikely that AI will completely take over anything except for the more basic tasks of human copy writer anytime soon

Can AI really understand enough to write better content than a human?

When it comes to determining what is important to write, AI may be advanced but it doesn’t have the same ‘depth’ of understanding as a human.
This understanding is the key differentiator, because AI is currently a tool, and like most tools it’s only as good as the operator.
For example – imagine trying to optimise a 30 page legacy document with the aim of distilling it down to a single web page of the most important and appropriate details for your target market.
AI just wouldn’t know how to do that appropriately without being directed with a huge number of specific commands and information. AI doesn’t know what you want, and in all but the most basic of scenarios it takes a human operator with advanced skill and understanding of the AI algorithm to give the right instruction.

So, is AI useful for content creation of not?

The more focussed you want AI content on your ideals, the more AI fails – or at least the more it needs human knowledge, commands and guidance.
In the future content writers who understand and leverage AI will be able to write faster, with more varied ideas, with greater accuracy and even a wider vocabulary. However, AI operators will certainly need to have the writing skills to know what’s important, how this needs to be weighted, how to optimise for the context of a website or digital marketing campaign, and then how to precisely instruct AI to stay on their chosen path.

While AI can analyse data and identify patterns on it’s own, it does not fully understand the context and nuances of the content required, nor your wishes, in the way that a human does.

The flaws and even dangers of using AI without a skilled human editor/instructor.

AI can certainly generate text that is coherent and grammatically correct, but it lacks the creativity and human touch that is necessary for good writing.

AI-generated content may lack;

  • empathy
  • cultural awareness
  • understanding of the target audience
  • understanding of the true meaning of what it writes

all of which can lead to content that is tone-deaf, irrelevant, or even offensive.

AI is aware of what it knows and blissfully unaware of what it doesn’t.

That being said, AI can be helpful in assisting digital content writers with tasks such as research, generating topic ideas, and even basic writing tasks like summarizing and rephrasing. In fact, many content writers already use AI-powered tools to help them with these tasks. Our extensive research has shown us that the most successful content creation will come from a combination of human creativity and expertise, augmented by AI-powered tools and technologies.

What is the future of AI driven content?

The current status of AI text/copy/content generation and how useful it will be comes down to this;

AI technology is not advanced enough to completely understand the context and meaning of the content it generates, which means that it can’t truly write persuasive, engaging, and informative content that resonates with the target audience.

For now a combination of AI-powered tools and human expertise is likely to be the most effective approach to rewriting old content or producing new content. AI can help identify areas that may need to be updated or improved, but it will be up to human writers and editors to make the final decisions about what changes to make, based on their understanding of the content and the needs of the target audience.

Even for digital content optimisation AI faces several hurdles because skilled digital copywriters know how to write a delicate balance of copy that is appealing to both humans and search engine algorithms – and that really is a whole different problem for AI.

Want to know more about AI assisted content and how ICC Digital can help…
contact us
You’ll get to speak to a human who truly understands what they are talking to you about.

Why captivating content can never just be about keywords.

Why captivating content can never just be about keywords.

Digital marketing keywords and engaging content.

Writing digital content that is truly engaging means more than just peppering a page with keywords. It takes an experienced digital writer to really be able to capture the attention of readers, using inspiring words and an interesting structure. Making sure visitors get the most out of your content can mean the difference between an 5 second visitor, an disconnected reader and a customer who will come back to your website to learn more and ultimately become a client.

As digital writing becomes increasingly important in every online marketing strategy, it’s important to go the extra mile when it comes to engaging copy. ‘Special’ content can make all the difference when users are considering choosing your product or service.

To keep readers interested and wanting more, digital writers must convey a message that is both powerful and unique, and makes sure readers want to come back for another look at your offerings.

The real power of well written content.

Digital writing has to use it’s power – and that power is to turn mere visitors into loyal customers. To do this we must make content engaging and entice our readers to want more.

Strong digital copy must include inspiring information that draws people in and makes them want to come back. This digital content should not only be well written and optimised for search indexing but it should also have a clear intent that resonates with your target audience so that it truly motivates and inspires the readers.

Once the digital copy sets you apart from the competition, marketing strategies can be easily created around this engaging content – like any successful business, building customer loyalty starts with giving them something they can’t get anywhere else and then getting them to understand there’s more where that came from.

Ultimately that kind of content builds trust, and demonstrates that your business is a good match for your visitors needs.

Ultimately there are many ways to captivate your audience.

By using website engagement strategies, website owners can create a website experience that quickly and efficiently educates website visitors on their business and its unique offerings. With good website engagement, business owners can create a digital experience that draws in customers and guides them through their ideal information journey.

Make sure your website visitors don’t miss out on your businesses vital selling points. Use a variety of engagement strategies to make sure potential clients have a positive experience when they first find your company.

10 things to keep visitors on your website

  1. Catchy headlines matter: An engaging headline to the page offers an instant experience that draws the customers in
  2. Optimize the page for ‘scanning’: First time visitors are especially prone to scan the page for key points in the first few seconds, this can quickly tell them they are at a business that’s a good fit, most web pages lose their visitors in the first few seconds of them scanning the page for key information
  3. Utilize visuals: Incorporate images and videos to make content more interesting
  4. Use interactive elements: Incorporate quizzes, surveys, calculators, etc. to engage and interact with website visitors
  5. Leverage social proof: Feature customer testimonials and reviews to give website visitors a sense of trust in what you’re offering
  6. Write concise copy: Keep website copy simple and concise so that readers can quickly understand the value you can offer them
  7. Offer helpful resources: Provide website visitors with helpful resources like tips, tutorials, and other valuable information
  8. Make website navigation easy: Develop connected navigation structures that are simple, straightforward and well organised, so that users can always find what they’re looking for
  9. Utilize personalization: Utilize website personalization strategies to ensure content shown is relevant to the user’s interests
  10. Use calls-to-action: Include strategic calls-to-action throughout website pages so visitors know what their next step should be. These help website owners generate leads and quickly build more intimate relationships with their potential customers.